Recipe Of The Week : Thai Style Mussels

Recipe: Sankey’s Thai Mussels

Serves 2

Preparation time: 15 minutes

Cooking time: 8 minutes


800g-1kg mussels per person

1 tbsp oil

Small knob of butter

1 shallot, diced

Stick of lemongrass, bruised

2cm knob of ginger, grated

1 clove garlic, crushed or diced

1 red chilli, sliced

1 heaped tbsp Thai paste, green or red

Tin of coconut milk

Small handful of coriander, diced

Plenty of warm crusty bread

thai mussels recipe



Ensure all the mussels are alive and clean. De-beard, and chip away any barnacles. Any that don’t close should be discarded.

On a medium heat, heat the oil and butter in a saucepan. Once the butter is melted, add the shallot, lemongrass, ginger, garlic, chilli, and Thai paste into the pan, and sweat them down. Try not to burn.

Once you have a nice aromatic paste, bring the heat back up, and add the mussels.

thai musselsShake the coconut milk, open straight into the pan, pop the lid on, and give it a shake.

If you have a glass lid, when you can see the mussels starting to open, give it another shake, and continue cooking until all the shells are open.

If you can’t see through your lid, lift it to see, but try not to let too much steam out. The mussels should take no more than 4-5 minutes in total.

Dress with the coriander, and serve immediately. Beware – the sauce is epic, so you’ll need plenty of bread to mop it all up!

thai mussels

Photos credit: Key & Quill

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